Well said! Three years later, the GOP is still enabling the destruction of freedoms and democracy. Accountability is essential for all those who participated. The GOP is unwilling, the judiciary held the line in 2020. Judge Luttig was just opining on the 50 year assault on the judiciary-by TFG. Abusing and delaying justice to further enrich himself while trying to destroy The Rule of Law. Our only recourse is by voting. Every election we must vote for candidates who support our laws, support those who enforce the law, and respect those who judge those who violate our laws. The Rule of Law is the anchor that protects our society. Anarchy and tyranny damage every element of society. Vote in all elections local, county, state and federal elections. Vote for those who are willing to abide by law and move our country forward. Unfortunately our two Party system is broken. One party is willing to legislate Democrats. One is not, The Grand Old Party has been hijacked . Vote accordingly💙💙💙. Thanks Maureen

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"The Rule of Law is the anchor that protects our society." <<==Perfectly said Debra.

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